Allied Health

Here at Strathpine 7 Day Medical Centre we also have allied health professionals who assist our patients with specific conditions, so you know that you can receive the best care under the same roof.


Our Urologist

A urologist specialises in the genitourinary tract, the kidneys, urinary bladder, adrenal glands, urethra and male reproductive organs and male fertility. They are also trained in the surgical and medical treatment of diseases that affect these organs.

Our urologist, Dr Anojan (Ano) Navaratnam is a fully credentialed urological surgeon with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.  He is a robotic surgeon with interests in urologic oncology and endourology.

Speak to your General Practitioner if you feel you could benefit from seeing Dr Ano Navaratnam.

Please call the Brisbane Urology Clinic 07 3830 3300 to book an appointment.

Our Psychologist

Psychology intervention is available and designed to focus on prevention; address health disparities; aimed to reduce psychological distress; and enhance and promote psychological wellbeing in all populations. Andre Bauer is a clinical psychologist and is available at Strathpine 7 Day Medical Centre every second Friday.

Speak to your General Practitioner if you feel you could benefit from seeing one of our professional psychologists.

Session Times: Andre is available every second Friday. Please call our reception team to book an appointment.

Our Dietitian

Wendy Cheung is our dietician here at Strathpine 7 Day Medical Clinic. Wendy's role is to collect, organise and assess data relating to your health and nutritional status. You can use this service, with or without metabolic disorder.

Wendy aims to provide you with an evidence based education and communicating information, advice and her professional opinion.

Going to see a dietician is really all about getting assistance with the management of centered nutrition. Wendy can assist you by planning appropriate diets and menus, educating you on your individual nutritional needs and ways of accessing and preparing their food. To start planning, implementing and evaluating nutrition programs please speak with your General Practitioner about booking an appointment with Wendy.

Session Times: Wendy is available every Wednesday.

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